Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here we go again...

I am a list writer. 

There, I've said it.

But I compile most in my head so they never see the light of day, they are never committed to paper were I or anybody else can see them, so they get forgotten about until one day something triggers a memory & up pops a list. My head is becoming cluttered & I am going around in circles.

So no, this is not the first time I have started a blog, as journal or some way of attempting to get the stuff out of my head, to make me take ownership, be accountable and actually achieve some of the stuff on those lists. So bear with me, this may get messy.

2012 was so going to be my year. I was going to flick some debt, I was going to be an independent woman! and started plans to do some travelling with a girlfriend we were going to Italy...I.T.A.L.Y. then somehow that changed, I was getting married, selling houses, buying new houses.... and then that changed and I wasn't getting married (although the selling/buying houses together bit happened). Then my job got all shitty with mergers and stuff & things in every corner of every part of my life became unstable, unsettling & reasonably scary - oh, & I have forgot to mention the 10kgs I seemed to pick up along the way. Bugger. and I still have debt, not the same debt, its new debt but debt all the same.

Feck. that was so.not.it. NOT what I dreamed of, planned to do or signed up for.

Then I started running (again - yes, I've done that before too). I discovered Ruth Field's Run Fat Bitch Run she spoke to me in a way that for some reason worked. I was running again and it was/is my turning point.

Following the Grit Doctor as Ruth lovingly calls herself, I built up my distance & speed; before I knew it I was easily running & enjoying a 5km run every 2nd day. The music pumped, I blew some cobwebs, I cleared my mind, I found my funk again, I made decisions about my life (yes, again <groan>), I even registered for a 10km "fun run" and then ping-pop-BAM! I tore a tendon.


Two months of physio, of stretches, of hobbling like a flat footed boobie and I am back to running 5km every 2nd day.... now I have a head cold.

Can there be anything else???? can there????

I will finish this, my 1st post on a positive. Those runs were not in vain, that cobweb blowing, mind clearing adrenalin achieved ONE good thing. I have a new job! and I start next week, so watch this space.

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